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What happened to AOL chat rooms?

AOL chat rooms are gone, completely, right for 3 years. So you can’t access them anymore. Actually, the discontinuing process took right 10 years. In 2010, AOL shut down access to AOL rooms via AIM. And in 2020, the company shut down AOL Desktop Gold access to chat rooms. The reason was simple – a decline in usage.

Do you miss AOL chat rooms?

I miss AOL chat rooms too. It was so fun to just randomly go into chat rooms and talk to random people. I'd join chat rooms for all sorts of things. It was fun and exciting back then. I remember when I first started going into AOL chat rooms I would click on everyone's profiles in the chat and then proceed to add all the females to my buddy list.

How do I access AOL chat rooms?

To access AOL chat rooms, open the Community menu and select Chat Room Listings to view the AIM Chat directory. Click on Enter or Start a Private Chat and type in the exact name of the desired chat room if it's private.

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